Dear Friends of UC,
The San Diego City Council will meet this Tuesday, July 30 at 1:00 p.m. (not 2:00, as previously announced) to vote on approving the Final Draft of the University Community Plan. This is the concluding step in the plan update process, and our last chance to request changes.
You can find the Final UC Plan document here:
On Tuesday, July 23, the San Diego City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Final Project Environmental Impact Report for the UC Plan Update. As part of this Final PEIR, the City added a “Reduced Density Alternative” as one of the alternative projects that the City was required to consider as part of the EIR process. This alternative was found to be environmentally superior to the proposed project.
We need to request that the City adopt this Reduced Density Alternative for the UC Plan Update.
The Reduced Density Alternative is similar to Scenario B, known as the Community Preferred Scenario or the Community Planning Group Subcommittee Input Scenario. This scenario was submitted by the University City Planning Group during the UC Place Update process, supported by Help Save UC, and widely supported within the community.
Help Save UC asks that you:
a) Email councilmembers Lee and LaCava to ask that the City adopt the Reduced Density Alternative for the UC Plan Update (draft email below). Please submit your email by 11:30 p.m. on July 29.
b) Appear and speak, either in person or remotely, at the July 30 City Council meeting special session starting at 1:00 p.m. to encourage the City Council to adopt the Reduced Density Alternative for the UC Plan Update. Full meeting agenda here (the UC Plan Update is Item 601). You may also use this webform to submit comments before 11:00 a.m. on July 30 (Comment Type: City Council Comment, and Agenda Item Number: 601).
Meeting Zoom link:
Sample email to submit by 11:30 p.m. on Monday, July 29 regarding the adoption of the Final UC Plan Update.
Send to Kent Lee at and Joe LaCava at
Dear Councilmembers Lee and LaCava:
I am writing to you about the University City Community Plan Update. After years of effort, the University City Planning Group submitted a detailed and balanced Community Preferred Scenario for the Plan Update, also known as Scenario B or the Community Planning Group Subcommittee Input Scenario . This Scenario is supported by large numbers in the community. A Reduced Density Alternative, similar to the Community Preferred Scenario, was considered in the Final PEIR and found to be an environmentally superior alternative to the Plan Update proposed by City staff. The Plan Update proposed by City staff incorporates very little to no input from the community. I urge you to consider the community’s input, and direct staff to develop the Community Preferred Scenario / Reduced Density Alternative for the UC Plan Update.