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Critical Action Needed: Speak Out Now Against SDAs!

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

We have updated our message below to add the new details about the now in-person City Council meeting. You may still also join via Zoom. If you plan on attending in person, please email us to let us know. If you don't wish to speak, we may ask you to cede your time to someone. Your presence makes a statement.


On Tuesday, February 14th, at 2:00 p.m., the City of San Diego will hold a Public Hearing to vote on the 2022 Update to the Land Development Code, which includes the replacement of Transportation Priority Areas (TPAs) with Sustainable Development Areas (SDAs).

The SDA designation would expand the definition of transit-oriented areas from half a mile from a major transit stop (the TPA definition) to one mile walking distance from a major transit stop. If this change passes, a much greater area of University City will be subject to transit-oriented development.

This change would push high-density projects further from transit and generally allow for more ADUs, more density and fewer parking requirements. In particular, this change would directly impact University City Marketplace (Sprouts shopping center), which would be considered within an SDA if the code update is approved. In some limited instances, projects could be entitled to unlimited density, additional height bonuses, and zero parking requirements. Additional information about this issue is provided in a commentary by Danna Givot, vice chair of Neighbors for a Better San Diego, the link to which is provided at the bottom of this email. The decision of the City Council is final. Without significant community pushback, the City Council is very likely to approve the change to SDAs.

What Can You Do?

Voice Your Opinion on the SDA Proposal

If you do not agree with this change to the definition of transit-priority areas, please reach out to the City Council and have your voice be heard:

1) Attend the City Council hearing on Tuesday, February 14th, at 2:00 p.m, located in the City Administration Building, Council Chambers - 12th Floor, 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101. The agenda for the meeting is here. (Scroll down past the 9:00 a.m. agenda to find the 2:00 p.m. agenda.)

2) Alternatively, speak virtually at the City Council hearing. Click here to join the Zoom meeting. By phone, dial 1-669-254-5252 and use Webinar ID 160 114 3486. Other instructions for providing testimony during the meeting are on the City’s Clerk’s website and in the meeting agenda.

3) Submit comments electronically before the hearing using the City Clerk webform and indicating the meeting date (February 14, 2023), the comment type (City Council Comments) and the agenda item number (330).

4) Email your opinions on this issue before the hearing to our District 6 Councilmember Kent Lee ( and Mayor Todd Gloria ( If you oppose this change, tell them to Pull the SDA from the Land Development Code Update.

Here are some talking points for your consideration:

• Essentially all local, federal, state, and academic sources accept 1/4-to-1/2-mile walking distance as the standard for transit-oriented development, and show that transit usage drops significantly beyond 1/2 mile.

• San Diego needs real transit-oriented development to increase transit ridership and decrease auto usage. Extending half-mile TPAs to SDAs one mile from transit won't accomplish either of those objectives and would work against climate action goals.

• Citywide, SDAs add 4,612 acres of single-family properties for transit-oriented development over existing TPAs, equivalent to putting 19,000 single-family homes on the market for investors instead of would-be homeowners.

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For a deeper dive into the proposed Land Development Code Update that introduces the concept of “Sustainable Development Areas,” we encourage you to read this commentary by Danna Givot, vice chair of Neighbors for a Better San Diego, that ran in The San Diego Union-Tribune on January 30, 2023.

Danna eloquently explains why this ill-conceived proposal to change the definition of Transit Priority Areas (TPAs) so that new high-density housing can be built up to a mile walking distance from a bus or trolley stop rather than the existing rule of one-half-mile is both illogical and detrimental to residential communities.

As many of you already know, Neighbors for a Better San Diego is a grassroots organization that was formed to protect neighborhoods from the development of apartment buildings in the backyards of single-family homes by raising awareness, organizing neighborhoods and supporting smart growth. Neighbors for a Better San Diego has been a valuable partner to Help Save UC, sharing their experience and lending their guidance. We’re very grateful for the synergetic alliance we share with them.

Please take a moment to read Danna Givot’s incisive opinion:



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